S.T.R.E.N.G.T.H. Cats

In the middle of the night I awake
to the smell of bacon and eggs in the air.

The people of the world
are outside on the lawn cooking bacon and eggs
for the President of the United States.

The United States military is standing all around them,
pointing guns at them
while they cook bacon and eggs for the President.

They give him the eggs of their daughters,
their ovaries for an American football match,
a contest of strength.

The President is the Signifier of Penis.
This sentence is the signifier of rape.

(originally appears in the collection Antipoémus)

My President Of The Shakespeare

“I believe that freedom and commerce
are values worthy of defending,
that those who may try to shake
the foundation of American prosperity
shall be ineffectual in their attempts.
I believe that terrorism and terrorists
no longer have caves to hide in,
nor governments to protect them,
that all the world is allied
in the fight for the preservation of
what is good.
I believe in a high protein, low fat diet.
And that the evil ones shall be dealt
a great talk with freedom.
Americans, knowledgeable,
sleep tight by your justice,
an economy awaits whose perseverance
shall triumph
the resiliency of freedom.”

— My President Of The Shakespeare

Poetry by W.T. tuqMairtin

Residency Delpeshian

I climbed into a world of apartments
where teenagers sat within.

I went to many parties,
ate chips n salsa, popcorn, and pizza.

Then I realized
it was not a world of apartments
where teenagers sat within
eating chips n salsa, popcorn, and pizza.

But rather,
it was the United States of America.

And it went on forever.


– Poetry by W.T. tuqMairtin
antipoémus thumbnail image Antipoémus (poetry book)

Semen And Scorpions

Semen and scorpions.
We gotta do this.

Resurrect the old ages
and improve them
before the scriptures existed.
Correct the old follies
of leaders,
of men always,
this is the case,
what a shit show is the
biological being with
ballz dangling between
his legs,

so vulnerable.

We’ve got to correct him,
the weaker sex
leading everyone astray.

– Poetry by W.T. tuqMairtin